Skincare: Breakout or Purge?

Have you ever tried a new skincare product and discontinued its use because you felt it broke you out?

Well, I have news for you! It may not have been a breakout after all. Your skin may have been purging which is perfectly normal when using certain ingredients. Keep reading to learn some of the differences between the two.

Skin purging is a reaction to an active ingredient in a new product that increases skin cell turnover rates. Retinoids (Prescribed and OTC) and Exfoliating Acids (Glycolic, Lactic, Citric, and Salicylic Acids are some of the most common) are the most common ingredients to cause this reaction.

A breakout is when your skin is reacting because it's sensitive or allergic to something in the product.

Purging happens where you frequently breakout, disappear faster than a regular pimple, and should be over within 4-6 weeks. Your skin will definitely look worse before it looks better because this process pushes the dead skin off and brings clogged pores to the surface. Please just trust the process!

A breakout/reaction usually occurs in a new area where you don't usually break out, takes longer to disappear, and causes excessive dryness, rash/hives, and burning/tingling. (This list is NOT all-inclusive)

Skincare results/timeframes will vary person to person but the purging process should last no longer than 4-6 weeks. The most important part of purging is not to "pick" at your skin. Not only does picking blemishes cause scarring/hyperpigmentation it could also cause inflammation and infection.

Note: Purging alone does not cause scarring and if you already have a regular skincare routine and the skin is in good condition; even with a new product you may not experience purging. 

If you are experiencing a breakout or reaction to a product, discontinue its use immediately and do not hesitate to seek medical attention.

Take care and don't be afraid to love the skin you're in!  

Disclaimer: No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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